Following on from an idea Laura had, to make a new photo booth in a position where we could use natural sunlight to show the detail of the Antiques,
we can confirm very good initial results.
To my suprise its also very good for evening and dusk shots as well as night time photography.
Our new back ground wallpaper changes colour in different light and seems to show off the Chandeliers to there full potential.
enclosed are some images of a quite difficult Chandelier restoration.
I had this one for quite a while before plucking up the courage to tackle it.
Its not so much the difficulty of doing it but the amount of time needed.
Ii tend to restore the older fitting so the tubes and openings tend to be
very small, which makes the threading of the wires very difficult.
Image 1.............Start of procedure
Image 2.............We can rebuild it!! Honest
Image 3............ The old wires
For this show, we constructed a shiny bright scaffold frame that encompassed the whole stand.
This allowed us to display 24 of the 28 chandeliers we took to the show, including huge Maison Bagues, Baccarat chandelier and matching wall lighs,lanterns and Georgian fittings.
In these images you can see some beautifull Italian mirrors, 18th century Vitrines ( diplay case) and other top quality antiques.
Our stock was well recieved by the good people of London and we sold to some very prestigeous people including the Saudi Royal family.
Well that was a lot of hard work. We stood the Battersea Decorative Antique and Textiles fair.
This was situated in a huge Marquee in Battersea Park itself.
It was a very prestigeous fair with strict vetting procedures and guidelines.
We absolutely loved this show and the organisers and customers were very receptive to our
distinctive Antiques.